If you’re missing one or more teeth, you have more options now than ever before for permanent teeth replacement. One or more missing teeth directly impact the appearance of your smile, but other concerns also come into play. For example, there is an increased risk of gum disease if you’re missing a tooth. Let’s learn more about the dental implant procedure and how it can help you regain your beautiful smile.
Dental implants are made with three components:
The titanium screw fuses with the jawbone in a process called osseointegration. A dental implant functions nearly identically to the natural tooth it’s replacing. One dental implant replaces a single tooth. If you’re missing more than one tooth, there are other options your dentist can explore with you.
It takes several months for dental implants to be fully complete. After the dentist plants the screw in your jawbone, it has to fuse to the jaw and heal. This is the lengthy part of the procedure. Once this is completed, your abutment and crown can usually be placed.
For the screw placement process, the dentist will use anesthesia to make you as comfortable as possible. This part of the procedure is pain-free. You can also opt for sedation dentistry if you have concerns about anxiety. After the screw is implanted, you may have some mild discomfort for a couple of days, but you can treat this with over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
Most people missing one or more teeth are a good fit for dental implants. The main concern is whether or not patients have enough bone in the jaw for planting the screw. If you lack bone structure in the jaw, a bone graft may be needed before getting implants.
There are scenarios in which the dentist can place a titanium screw into an empty tooth socket the same day of the extraction. Your provider must ensure you have a good jawbone structure to do this. If you need bone grafting, you’ll need to wait three to six months before starting the implant process.
To learn more about dental implants and the procedure needed to restore your beautiful smile, contact Dr. Jose Omar Guillen at Westwood Village Smiles in Los Angeles, California. Call our office at (310) 254-9355, text us at (310) 208-3498, or schedule a visit online today.
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